Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Topics and Brainstorming Week 2

Topic: Miracles performed by Jesus

Comments: Jesus performed quite a few miracles. I have always been interested in why some of these miracles are considered miracles, when honestly there are some forms of explanation as to why these miracles could have happened naturally. I think the key point in all the miracles is the point of view of the people present to witness these miracles, so exploring the people that witnessed the miracles would be a great way to go.

Possible Stories: The Bible is an obvious place to start and the Gospels in the new testament do all tell differing accounts of the life and times of Jesus. I think a good idea would be to take a particular miracle and tell it from the point of view of the people that witnessed the same miracle. I think this would provide three very different stories and accounts much like the books in the new testament give different accounts of the life of Jesus.

Sample Story Comments: The Gospel of Mark gives the story of the miracle of Bread and Fish. This would be a good story to explore because there were a number of people present. Jesus was able to feed his followers even though there was no possible way to do so with the amount of Fish and Bread on hand.

Bibliography Information:
Sample Story:
The Miracle of Bread and Fish from the Gospel of Mark
Book Title: The Bible
Author: Mark

Topic: Greek Mythology

Comments: Greek Mythology has always interested me. One of the reasons it has done so is because the stories are presented as truth, even though in today’s age we look at them as great tales that have been passed down. Seeing how the political structure of the God’s mirrors the political climate of today is extremely interesting. The gods are on lookers to the man and use men as chess pieces, much like the government political structures use the populations as chess pieces.

Possible Stories: I have always found the story of the Odyssey fascinating. It is one of the oldest epics and while the battle of Troy most people know about, I think people would be surprised just how little it has to do with the Odyssey. This story is also a sequel of sorts which says a lot about how the author viewed the character of Odysseus. Achilies gets all the fame, but it is Odysseus that the story is truly about. I think it would be creative to update the story so that Odyssey takes place in 2016 and the God’s represent different political parties and Odysseus is on a quest in a political campaign to become president.

Sample Story Comments: Odysseus and Polyphemus interesting. I think using the story of these two characters and updating them to be rival candidates in a political race would be interesting. There are a number of storylines, but most important would be how Odysseus out smarts Polyphemus. This could play out in a series of Political Debates.

Bibliography Information:
Sample Story:
The Cyclops defeated
Book Title: Homer’s Odyssey
Author: Homer translated into English by Tony Kline

Topic: Native American Folklore and Animal Stories

Comments: Animals play a huge part in Native American Folklore. I have read these stories for years because I am Native American and I love how the stories seem so simple but are used to explain complicated things. An example of this would be the story of the water spider. The story is used to show two things. First, how the Native people got fire and second, it teaches a lesson about self belief and overcoming obstacles. This is one of the key components about Native Folklore, they use the stories as historical representations about how they got medicine and other things, but there is always another level that teaches a lesson.

Possible Stories: I think to retell these stories the best thing to do is to keep it simple. The Native stories I have read allow for expansion, but I think less is more. I would like to take a story, and retell it like a “Grimm Brothers” type of fairytale. The Native stories are used to teach and by creating a story for children I think that is good place to start to teach lessons. I remember as a child my mother reading me fairytales and now that I am older I understand that this was a sort of bedtime school, so I would like to bring the Native stories into that realm not just for Native children, but for children of all cultures.

Sample Story Comment: The native folklore of The Ballgame of the Birds and Animals would be a great story to retell as a children's bedtime story. It already has a children’s story fairytale feel to it, but I would love to retell it in a ways that focuses on the morals of the story and updates it to something like a soccer game. I think one of the aspects that I have always liked about this story is that it is about acceptance and overcoming adversity and those are messages that I would want to bring forward.

Bibliography Information:
Sample Story:
The Ballgame of the Birds and Animals
Book Title: Myths of the Cherokee
Author: James Mooney
Year: 1900

Topic: The story of the Crucifixion

Comments: The crucifixion of Jesus is the foundation of my religious faith. Without his sacrifice on the cross for my sins I would not be able to be saved and thus would be going to hell for my sins according to my religion. I have always found it interesting to imagine the mindset of a man that is sentenced to death. There was a simple way out during his trial that would allowed him to live, but he chose to stand his ground and basically sentenced himself to death.

Possible Stories: What would it be like to be on deathrow. I think it would be interesting to put Jesus on Death Row in today’s society and have him keep a diary of his thoughts. The idea of sacrifice is a romantic idea in writing, but I want to remove that part from the story and make this a gritty reality of what actually goes through a person’s head before they die. Jesus knew he was the son of God although in a number of biblical stories he never came out an admitted it, this was a title placed on him by other people. So in his private thoughts in a diary would he admit it and if so, what does that mean about his sacrifice? He knew that he would have to suffer the crucifixion as a man, and what were his thoughts on that aspect of his sacrifice.

Sample Story Comments: I’ve read a bible and there is no diary of the Jesus and his personal thoughts. This is a challenge to the story, but I think if I take into consideration that Jesus was a man, and focus on the thoughts of a other men in their final hour on death row I would be able to write something compelling. Also I could use the events in the Bible to add to the setting of the story. In his diary Jesus could write about what led up to the crucifixion, and also use actions of Jesus in the Bible to shed insight on the thoughts of Jesus about the political aspect of the Church.

Bibliography Information:
Sample Story:
The Crucifixion of Jesus
Book Title: The Bible: The Gospel of Mark
Author: Mark

Christ on the Cross

Picture Attributes
Carl Heinrich Bloch [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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