Monday, March 2, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 7

here is a little Joy for your life......

Jumping for Joy

What brings me joy in my life.
Well work is work, yes it is an escape from the problems of day to day life, it is a place where I can go and just let loose and not have a real worry in the world. But who has ever said “I’d rather be at work” I would have to be a real masochist to say that. I mean work is just a means to and end. I have bills, and things I would love to do so work provides me the money I need to do that. I do like my job but I would not say that it gives me joy.

Lately I have made new friends and had a few old friends come back into my life. As for the new friends it is a constant frustration to find just one I can truly count on. It is not their fault or mine it is just that they have not been through the experiences of my life that have led me to this present time so trust is a commodity that it hard to come by. It is just hard to open up to them and when you finally do most of the time disappointment is what you are left with, and the for the one or two that you can start to trust well it is still a long road to that life long bond that you can count on daily.  So I don’t get joy from them.
If your family is anything like mine then it is hard for you have a moment when everyone is getting along so that you can just enjoy being around each other. I’m the black sheep of my family so for me it is hard to constantly live up to the lack of expectations that they have for me, but I do it. Don’t get me wrong I love my family and I hope they all outlive me, but sometimes I just feel like I got the weight of the world on my shoulders and when I pick up the phone I just want to vent, but I am unable because of what they are going through in their lives. So no my family does not bring me joy.
Well I know it is hard to believe but a guy as good looking and charming as me is still single. I have come to terms with the fact that I will be single for a long time if not for the rest of my life. It is not that I don’t want someone to grow old with, Someone that I can tell anything to, someone to wake up with, but it is just too hard. I mean it, for all of you that have that congrats. For me I just don’t have the patience to do it. I don’t know how to meet people. So I would say no relationships do not bring me joy.
I’m not even touching that one.
Ethan is what brings me joy. I know this because he is the best part of my day and I never feel worthy of him. My son makes me smile uncontrollably and I love every minute of it I will never feel like I am a good enough dad, but will continue to try harder everyday to be one. I will have a great relationship with his mother no matter what our past holds for us.  I will call him just to hear about his day. When I am sad and overwhelmed by life I will look at him and smile and never let him know how broken my heart is over not having him there with me everyday. The fact is, that no matter what he will love me, regardless of what I do, what I am, or what I become, brings me more joy than you could imagine. What brings you joy, because for me Joy is a five letter word, but so much more than just a word.

Picture Attribution
By Cat from Sevilla, Spain [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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