Monday, February 2, 2015

Styles Week 3

Christ on the Cross

Topic: The Crucifixion of Christ

I did some research online and found a wiki site that gave some great information about the crucifixion of Christ. The website went into detail to not only describe the cross but to show the different names used. Also in the New Testament there are a number of different accounts in the Gospels that talk about the tools used on Christ from the nails to the spears. So I will be leaning heavily on the Gospels to gather information about the actual accounts of the Crucifixion.  I will also be using these accounts to not only gather information about the tools used by also to get information about the way they were used and the about the actual crucifixion from Jesus carrying the cross, to him being nailed to it, to the sounds of the crowd, and finally his death.

Style: First person Storytelling

I will be telling the story of the crucifixion from the point of view of the tools used. The introduction will focus mainly on the events that led up to the Crucifixion. I will use the cross to describe the journey Jesus took when he was forced to carry the cross. Then I will switch to the point of view of the whip as Jesus was beaten. Then the story will focus on the nails as Jesus was nailed to the cross and raised in the air. I will then focus on the end of his life by giving the point of view of the spear used to pierce Jesus until he was dead. I am not sure if I will use the sun as a witness to the events of Jesus being taken down from the cross and being placed in the tomb. If I do I will most likely remove the point of view of the whip.  These stories will all connect so it will be an anthology.

1. Wikipedia page, Instrument of Jesus’ Crucifixion Link
2. The New Testament from the Bible, King James Version

Picture Attribution
Bronzino [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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