Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Reading Diary Part B Week 4

Map of the Bengal Region

For this weeks story I read the Folktales of Bengal. The one I found most ineresting was the Origin of Opium. I picked this story because Indian folklore is full of origin stories and this is one that I have not read. I have read a few other Indian tales. I found that this one differed from the ones that I have read in that its length was much more than the others. This story is interesting because it works to explain the origin of the poppy tree and also teaches a lesson. This is something that seems to be a common thread in Indian folk-lore. The mouse kept wanting to be everything that it was not, and eventually that led to its death once it found happiness. So possibly the moral of this story is to find your happiness with who you are and don't attempt become someone you are not, because either way you are goin to end up dead.

Folktales of Bengal

Picture Attribution
A map showing the location of the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea in southeast Asia.
Created by NormanEinstein, September 15, 2005.


  1. Joe: Origin stories are definitely very cool! I'm glad you enjoyed some of the stories from Indian Folklore - I did, as well!

    While I didn't get a chance to read the Origin of Opium, it sounds pretty interesting. I suppose the story is also important to certain cultures because opium was a significant source of income for many communities for quite a long time…it makes you wonder whether its chemical derivatives caused such a ruckus during the many centuries it was sold as an unrestricted substance!

  2. I haven’t read any of the Indian folklore for this class, but the Origin of Opium sounds super intriguing! In high school I remember reading books about characters taking opium, but before that I had never heard of the drug. I think it was The Scarlet Letter? It is cool that the author can combine a lesson with an informational story.

  3. I think it is interesting that your favorite story from the unit was the Origin of Opium and I might pick this reading for next week so I can actually read the story. I think it is cool that you really enjoyed the story and used it for your storytelling post. It is difficult for me to use my favorite stories from the unit and change them so that is awesome that you can do it.

  4. I love etiological myths! And mice! So this story probably would've been perfect for me, haha. In any case, I like that your reading diaries are short and sweet, simply commenting on your favorite tale from the unit. I tend to wax on about all of them, and it gets a bit long. But posts like this allow me to go and read other people's favorite tales and experience more each unit. Good work.
