Sunday, February 22, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 6

And here is some Poetry...I think.......

This Love?


What is love like?
Tell me….

Is it beautiful like a sunset in summer?
Hopeful as the first day of spring?
Graceful as the leaf’s flight in fall?
Fragile as a snowflake in winter?

I wanna know!

Is it dependable each day as the morning sunrise?
Unshakable as the ground beneath your eyes?

I need to know!

Can you navigate it waters by the stars in the night sky,
or harness it winds to hear the Nymph’s Reply?

Please let me know….

When love happens,
Does it feel like that static feeling in the air before a thunderstorm that showers the earth with tiny elemental bonds washing away the past leaving a renewed fertile ground……………….

Allowing nourishing light to midwife,
The birth of a Sunflower,
In a hidden meadow,
A Locus Amoenus?

Is this your love?

Tell me!
Because that is not the love I know,
I know,

Love is like,
Driving down a highway you been down before,
It’s a bumper sticker called “How’s My Driving” that swerves into your lane throwing into the guardrail!

Love feels like,
The blunt force trauma from your head hitting the head liner,
Then the floor,
Then the dash,
And again the headliner and floor,
Because there are no seatbelts,
I know!

The sirens sing as the car grinds against the pavement,
Glass shatters overtaking your body like rain,
Metal crumples like your femur;
And collarbone;
Trapping you like Alcatraz,

What I know of love is,
That when it slides to a sudden stop and it is finally over,
You’re left broken, hurt, lonely, devastated,
And all you know for sure is that,
You never….
..............Want to drive again.

Picture Attribution
By User Minesweeper on en.wikipedia (Minesweeper) [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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