Monday, January 19, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 1

Sooooooooooooo about this past week.........

Ok, so last semsester I was living in Kansas City, and last Thursday I chose the coldest day ever ever to move. It was a sad day for me because I had to leave my two little neices Emma and Lily behind, but I had to be on campus for one last class this semester so it was something that had to be done. The move went pretty much as expected.

I will admit that settling into a house without little footsteps has been an adjustment, I have no one sneaking into my room early in the morning to give me a kiss goodbye before they goto kindergarten, and I don't have Lily sneaking into my room early in the morning to throw some object that I am sure weighs more that she does, at my head.

I only goto class on Tuesday and Thursday so for most of the week I am free to goto the gym and look at the workout equiptment and say "Ehhhh, not today," and my channel surfing skills are really improving. It is amazing how much you can accomplish when you have a ton of free time. Take monday morning for example.

8 am Woke up and looked at the alarm clock and then went back to sleep

Noon Woke up, crawled out of bed, made a pot of coffee, looked out the  window and gave the sun a mean look

2 pm finished pot of coffee and made another pot of coffee, popped some eggos into the toaster and waited for them to finish. Poured syrup on them all by myself without any instructions.....

2:01 pm finished eating eggos and thought about working out but decided it was a lost cause and could only work towards damaging my self esteem and decided to take a nap

5 pm woke up and scratch my head, looked at youtube videos of epic fails, laughed so hard it made me tired so I took another nap

6 pm woke up and cooked myself some dinner. It was a bologne sandwich. Sat on the couch and starred at the TV. For some reason it was on Lifetime and I wanted to change the channel but the remote was on the coffee table and that would mean I would have to move to get it...Thought about getting the remote.....

6:30 pm TV is still on Lifetime channel

7 pm I took a nap on the couch

9 pm Woke up and did a sit up ( The remote was finally mine) watched some Netflix and drank a glass of Iced Tea

10 pm Took a shower and went to bed

See if I didn't have so much free time I might not have been able to get that 7 pm nap in, and I am old so I needs me naps. Well that is about the extent of my day....Well it is getting close to 7 pm so I gotta sign off.....

Here is a picture of a Remote Control

Picture Attribute
By Muband (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons



  1. Your honesty is so great! The way you wrote out your daily schedule was very original and unique. I want to do that for my next Famous Last Words post. I do all of my classes online, so I understand having some free time. I can absolutely relate to waking up early, looking at the alarm and going straight back to sleep.

  2. I am so glad I chose this one to read for the Famous Last Words because this was really hilarious, lol! I have to agree, my channel surfing has been on point lately and I have been really into cops for some odd reason. I love how you listed your day by time because I feel like I have definitely got out of bed and when I see the sun I just stair at it and grunt, hoping to seem the alpha and it go hide a little longer so I can sleep, haha.

  3. I enjoyed reading your Famous Last words because you are wonderfully frank about what's going on in your life right now. I also thought it was cool that you listed out your day in a schedule format. I would have never thought to do that. I admit that I will sometimes watch something I don't really care about or generally don't like for much longer than I normally would if the remote is out of reach. My mom used to do that too, but then she realized that she had children who she could yell for or text to have them bring her the remote. Now i'm away from home and I understand why she does that. It would be nice to have someone to do minor tasks for me, especially on days when i'm feeling particularly lazy and/or immobile.
