Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Story Telling Week 14

The Cap and The Wolf

Little Red Riding Cap

Little Red Riding Cap loved her grandmother and her grandmother loved her. The red cap that she wore all day and night was made for her by her grandmother. It had been a while since little red riding cap had seen her grandmother so she decided to go see her. Her grandmother lived in the woods and it was a long and dangerous journey. Still little red riding hood was not scared so she set out to go see her grandmother.

Meanwhile elsewhere in the woods there was a huntsman hunting an big bad wolf. Now the wolf was smart and able to escape the hunter everytime the hunter got close. Still the hunter would not give up.

Back to the girl in the red cap that was on her way to see her grandmother. She was skipping along singing that she was on her way to see her grandmother when the wolf happened along her path and heard her singing. Now there is nothing that a wolf loves more than a meal except maybe two meals. He knew that if he went to the grandmothers house he would have a easy meal and if he waited there he would have another easy meal.

When the grandmother heard a knocking at her door she assumed it was her granddaughter so she opened it. When she did the wolf jumped in and swallowed her whole. The wolf decided to dress up as the grandmother because if he answered the door as the wolf the girl might escape, but she came in and got really close to the wolf then there would be no escape.

The little girl in the red cap known as little red cap arrived at her grandmothers house. She knocked on the door and someone inside who she assumed was not the big bad wolf but instead was her grandmother told her to come inside so she did.

The girl saw that her grandmother aka the big bad wolf in disguise was in bed and asked what was wrong and the wolf dressed up as her grandmother said it was cold and that she didn’t want to catch a cold. The wolf told the girl to come closer so the girl did.

The girl noticed that her grandmother had a pair of big eyes and even though it had been a long time since she had seen her grandmother she began to wonder why her grandmother’s eyes were so big. The wolf told her it was so he could see her better and told her to come closer. The girl did and by now the girl was sitting on the bed next to the wolf.

The girl noticed that her grandmother had really big teeth and wondered why her teeth were so big and the wolf told her they were big so he could eat her with them and swallowed the girl whole.

The hunter saw the house and figured the wolf had found a great hiding spot so he kicked in the door and found the wolf. He pulled out his ax and cut the wolf’s belly open killing the wolf and allowing the grandmother and little red riding cap to escape.

To celebrate the grandmother cooked up wolf stew and they all lived happily ever after.

Author’s notes
This is from Little Red Riding Cap in the Grimm Ashliman unit. I kept it pretty much to the script with this one and didn’t change too much. Another name for this story is Little red riding hood. I didn’t want to change too much because why mess with a good thing. I think there is just enough of my finger prints on this story so that I was able to put my own spin on it without changing much.

Little Red Cap from Dan Ashliman's Grimm Brothers' Children's and Household Tales

Picture Attribution
Fleury François Richard [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


  1. Nice story Joe. I am familiar with the story of little red riding hood, and I found your retelling of it refreshing. I love the karma ending. The wolf was so greedy and swallowed both little red riding hood and her grandmother whole and the hunter was able to cut his belly open to let them out. I loved that! And I love even more that they had wolf stew in the end. Oh, the irony. Good job!

  2. Good job with the story, Joe. I've always loved that story, so it was nice to read your take on the classic. You did keep it very similar, but I agree that messing with a good thing isn't always necessary. I also liked your twist at the end with the wolf stew. Details like that make stories better. Good job!

  3. I completely agree with your comment in the author's note about "why change a good thing". The story of Little Red Riding Hood (or in this case Red Cap) is such a classic; everybody knows the story. So I think just changing minor details and perhaps really just the way the story was told, really makes the story great. The details you added were perfect touches. Great job!
