Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Reading Diary Part B Week 12

Robin and Maid Marian

Robin comes across a Bishop and Robin is in disguise. The Bishop tells Robin that he is taking him to the king, and robin begs for mercy but the Bishop says no. Then robin blows his bugle and his men appear, the Bishop begs for mercy but robin says no. Then little john and Robin steal the man’s gold and make him dance while they escape.

A Woman hides Robin Hood from the Bishop. This is another retelling of how Robin robbed the Bishop. It is pretty much the same story but in this story Robin is dressed as an old woman I think. They rob the Bishop and Little John makes the Bishop sing so that they can escape.

This is the story of Robin and Maid Marian. The story starts out telling how rich and noble and beautiful Marian is. Marian goes into the woods looking for Robin. She is in disguise and so is Robin so when they meet they begin to fight. Robin admires her vallour. They both discover that each is in disguise after a while and then they celebrate. This story ends with Robin and Marian living together.

Picture Attribution
Robin Hood and Maid Marian (poster, ca. 1880)Category:Robin HoodCategory:Maid Marian

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