Thursday, February 26, 2015

StoryTelling Week 7

The Centipede and the Spit of Doom

Giant Centipede

Hi I am Bob. I live in this village in Asia. I know it is kind of an out of place name here in my village, but what can I say, it is the name my parents gave me. Don’t be so judgmental. I mean who says your name is all that cool?

Sorry, it is just that I am a little low on the self esteem if you know what I mean. It is just that I have been going through some personal issues lately, and well it is not your fault, and also ever since MTV stopped playing music I have been on edge. Well back to what I was telling you.

So I live in this village and every night this centipede comes and takes one of us. We are not sure where he takes us, but I am guessing that he eats us. So basically my village is a buffet for this thing. Our leader is no help either, which is weird because the dude can turn into a dragon, so I don’t know why he don’t just light that thing on fire so we can have a centipede cookout.

Well today was a great day because we were rescued by this stranger. Our leader was the one who brought the stranger to us. We fed him and told him of our ordeal. When the centipede showed up the stranger pulled out his bow and arrow and shot one at the centipede, but it just bounced off. He shot another one at him and it also bounced off. Then he licked his last arrow and shot it at the centipede and this time the arrow killed the centipede. Thank God this guy showed up. I think it was pretty convenient that he appeared to save us. Our leader gave the guy some gifts and sent him on his way.

Still something was odd about the way the stranger killed the centipede. I asked someone why he licked the arrow. They told me that saliva was poisonous to the centipede, so the man tipped his arrow in his saliva to kill the beast. Apparently this was common knowledge.

Hold on now, so you mean to tell me that all this time we could have just spit at the darn thing and killed it. I mean you would think if it was common knowledge that someone in the village would have known about it. We could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble if we would have just spit at it. Think of all the lives that would have been saved. Think of the plot holes in the story about the centipede that could have been avoided. If only someone would have just spoke up.

I don’t wanna come across as bitter, because I am thankful that we are safe from the centipede. I do wonder what happened to that man that saved us too. Someone told me once that the man was actually a great king in his own land. At any rate I sure am grateful to him.

Author's Notes
This is a retelling of My Lord Bag of Rice from the Japan Fairy Tales. This is first person account of the story. I made this a silly story because the original is a silly story full of all kinds of plot holes. Still this story is the same other than the first person account.

My Lord Bag of Rice/ Japan Fairy Tales by Yei Theodora Ozaki

Picture Attribution
By Tod Baker from Tianjin, China (gigantea (7)  Uploaded by berichard) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


  1. This was a very interesting story. I did very much enjoy the centipede part of it. It was really funny how the whole time they did not kill the centipede when they knew what it's weakness was. If the main character of the story would have known, the centipede probably would have been long gone by that point in time. Good job!

  2. I really like how you changed the story into a story with such modern language. You did a really good job of allowing your reader to visualize your story by the language you used. I wish the author’s note were a little bit longer and included some more information about the original story. It would help allow the reader to see why you changed some aspects from the original into ideas of your own. Great job!

  3. I like the tone you put on this story, very down to earth kind of dude with a good sense of humor. When I read your MTV sentence I laughed because it reminded me of a show I recently watched called Portlandia and they were trying to bring back the original MTV because it’s now about stupide crap. Just one grammar mistake I saw was that you put commas before ‘and’, which you don’t need to do. Regardless of that, it was a great read!
