Monday, January 19, 2015

Storybook Favorites Week 1

The Tale of the Traveling Cat

The layout of this storybook was simple and clean. The pictures used by the author were amazing. The choice to use black and white photos added a tremendous amount of depth to the pages of this storybook. The concept of the storybook being told from the point of view of a cat was creative. Though it was told through the eyes of the cat the character could have been human, so while this could have been cheesy and at times it did border on it, with tongue in cheek comments, the storybook did a great job of presenting the stories.

Goddess Talk

The picture on the introduction page was good. Though I found that the font and color scheme of this storybook were weak, the pictures chosen really worked to overcome that weakness. The first picture seemed in some places to be a painting and in other places appeared as if the figures in the picture were real people. It was a nice illusion. The other pictures followed suit with the first picture, except the second picture. The second picture really stood out as something unique. The he said she said aspect of the the stories were unique because this method allowed the reader to listen to the inner dialogue of the the characters. Also I really appreciated the humor used by the author throughout the stories.

Ballads as told by R. Kelly

This was such a creative way to tell the stories. I remember the R. Kelley videos, and one of the things that did capture my attention was the opportunity to be a fly on the wall, a passive player in the everyday lives of people. This storybook really captured the spirit of the hiphopopera. Seeing these poems and stories from a voyeuristic point of view added a different to these stories, plus it also peeked an interest in the original works used that was not there before. Though the layout of the pages are simple, and the alone the pictures do not appear that spectacular, by placing them in the  framework of this storybook they really contribute to the creativity of this storybook.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Joe! So I really liked how unlike a lot of people, you decided your favorite storybooks not only on their substance, but also on the style and format of the site itself. This is especially important as the layout of a website or book often determines whether or not someone will continue to browse or if they skip right over it to another. And as I at least learned last semester, formatting a site/blog can be a lot harder than it looks, especially if you are trying to create a cohesive storybook!
