Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Story Telling Week 3

The Kind Conqueror
Circe and Odysseus

 I had been told he would come for me one day. This man, this warrior, this king would come to me one day. Would he be kind and honorable, or would he come to me as a conqueror? I did not know. I could not risk being a lamb. So I prepared. Day and night I perfected my skills in seduction, I would practice my dark art of magic, and I would study the stars for a clue to his arrival.
For each man that would arrive to my island I was prepared. Many came expecting to find a lamb right for the slaughter. Many found a lion prepared for the hunt. It was them that I conquered. Enslaved.

Then a group much like others that had come before them arrived on my shores. I invited them to sit and dine. I could sense a foul intent in their eyes when they looked at me. I told them to drink and feast. Like pigs these men were at my table. So like pigs these men became in pens. I still laugh at the thought of their hove’s in the mud, as they mucked around unaware of what had just happened. I should have sensed it, but I had grown lazy in my ways. I should have known that these men were different from the others. These men were attached by honor to the man that I had been told about.
He came looking for them. I invited him to sit and drink and feast much like the others. When the time came to place this pig in the mud to muck he was guarded. I was unable to do to him what I had been able to do to so many before him. I fell at his feet and tried to apply my skills of seduction to him, but he was immune to my ways. He forced me to promise him that I would free his men. So I did what he asked so that I could be spared.

This man was kind to me. I grew to love him and would have given my life for him if it was his will. We lived here on this island of mine in happiness, but I could sense that it was just an illusion. This fantasy love that we shared could not last. He was troubled with memories of duty to another in a far off land. A child, a wife, a kingdom, and a promise that he must keep by returning home. I knew I could not keep him here no matter how I begged. He was an honorable man; the kind of man I had hoped that Hermes had told me would come. This honorable man left to fulfill his promise. He left with my heart. A heart that has never been returned to me and day and night I am overcome with the sadness of his departure. I pray to the gods to return my heart so that I may live in peace, but my prayers go unanswered. Now I know that the man that arrived on my shores was a conqueror that came to me in the disguise of a kind and honorable man.
Author's Notes
This is a retelling from the Odyssey by Homer. I wanted to tell the story of Circe through her eyes and add another demension to the story. I love the Odyssey but I have always thought the more interesting stories were stories that involved the side characters. I think that the character of Circe is a great example of this and I have always wanted to understand her side of the story.
The story of Circe from the Odyssey by Homer
Picture attribution
Hubert Maurer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


  1. That was neat how you made Odysseus a conqueror of Circe’s heart. I like how everything that happens is directly from her point of view. It leaves a lot of mystery in the story since the reader knows only what Circe knows. I really like the picture you chose too. It perfectly captures the story. I never got to read the Odyssey, but it seems really cool.

  2. I really liked this story. I read Homer's Illiad for Week 2 and almost read the Odyssey for Week 3. I thought that telling this story from Circe's thoughts in almost a diary manner was a good choice. The word choices fit the setting of the story very well. They really set the mood for the story and gave me the mindset and imagery of the time that Homer's Odyssey portrays.
    I only have a few suggestions. Sometimes you put a double space between paragraphs and other times you don't. I suggest sticking with one or the other (I prefer double spacing after every paragraph). It will make the story easier to read as it will be more appealing to the eye. Also, the paragraphs tend to be a little long. If you broke these up it would also help the story to flow a little smoother.
    Your picture choice I thought was perfect. It shows how Circe fell for Odysseus and how he is leaving towards leaving and Circe is almost begging him to stay. I feel like this really captures the main focus of your story. Great job!

  3. Hello Joe! I think you did a great job with this story and made it an enjoyable read. I thought it was really creative of you to tell the story from Circe's point-of-view. I really like the Odyssey so this was a cool way to hear this story!

    I have just one suggestion that you may consider to improve this story.
    Format: It seems that a couple of your paragraphs are broken up by two spaces and the other has no space. I always like a story broken up as much as possible to make it easier to read. I think a quick edit could make this format much better and easier for your readers to get through the entire story.

    Thanks for the great read. I really enjoyed it!!

  4. I also really love The Odyssey, particularly the stories of the minor characters. I just think it is so cool how even the minor characters in the Odyssey have such fascinating stories to tell. I love the story of Circe particularly. I really liked how you wrote the story from her perspective. It is always so neat to be able to get another side of the story. Your story definitely had an air of mystery and drama, very fitting for Circe's character. I thought you did a great job of tailoring the story to her, and really revealing her character through your language and tone. Thanks for the great read!
