Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My Favorite Place Week 1

I've Never Been Skydiving

I have always wanted to go skydiving! So if I was going to say that I had a favorite place it would be somewhere that I have never been. The freedom of falling through the sky just seems like the ultimate place to be. Plus I am really afraid of high places and over coming fears is a big part of growing as a person in my opinion. Sure I would love to visit other places like Europe, China, and Africa, but for me at this point the most attainable goal would be to get in a plane, take off, and have someone push me out of it. 

This just seems like it would be an awesome thing to do. Being able to see the world from that point of view would no doubt give me a different perspective of my own world. Being able to understand how big the world is from up there would make me appreciate how small I am in the grand scheme of everything and give me a greater appreciation of the little things in my own life that I think I take for granted each day. 

Having the fear of death from falling with only a couple of ropes attached to a piece of fabric, and then being given the sudden feeling of life when the chute opens up would really make me appreciate how fleeting life is. I think this would force me to appreciate the relationships that I have with people in my life more because it would just make me understand how limited my time is with them.

Mostly I think it would just be a rush. I love being scared. The feeling of cheating death in someway shape or form really excites me. Well that is my favorite place.

Picture attributes
By Ann W (Skydiving!  Uploaded by Gary Dee) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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