Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Introduction Week 1

  Welcome to my page. Hello my name is Joe. The basic information about me is that I am an English writing track major at the University of Oklahoma, and some day I hope to try my hand at the law profession. I hate these introductions because I always feel like I am writing a profile for some dating website like only at my age my likes are waking up and oatmeal, and my dislikes are not waking up and cold coffee so for the remainder of this introduction I will try to give you guys a little my personal information that usual.
      First off I am a father of one amazing 11 year old boy named Ethan. I know this is going to sound cliche but for me my real life began the day he was born. So I guess under likes I would have to say spending time with my son. I know that most people say they have a good looking kid, but mine really is a good looking kid.
Ethan from Personal photos 2011

      Besides spending time with my kid I enjoy eating. I am a total foodie, I love trying new things I have never eaten before, and then taking friends to try the food items I have discovered. I am a Starbucks junkie, and when I say junkie I mean yes I would sell a family member for a venti Mocha. I am the type of person that if you take seriously, you will think is a person that is pompous, rude, and without social manners, but if you realize that I am joking then most likely you will just laugh at me because you know I am being stupid. I love to hear laughter from people and don't mind being the butt of a joke at all. If I had a motto for life it would be: Live Awesome.
      Living awesome encompasses so many things but mostly it means that you don't need permission from anyone to shine. When I say "I'm Awesome" and I have been saying it for years, people always look at me as if to say, "Oh really," my point in saying that I am awesome is not because I am trying to diminish anyone else but rather I am lifting myself up. I believe that everyone should think they are awesome, because it is important to tell yourself something then go out in life and live up to your words. If someone believes that it is more important to be humble then I think that is great they can have my humbleness and be humble for both of us. It is not an arrogance issue but rather I wanna live each day at one hundred percent effort so that I can squeeze every bit of good out of it, because let's face it, when it is over, it is over and this body will be thrown in the ground and turn to dust, so might as well try to succeed each and every day.

Picture Attribution
Personal Photo from 2011 on my computer


  1. First of all, you're right: you have an adorable son! Secondly, I really like how you wrote this introduction. It was very personable and showed your sense of humor. I really love your motto for life! I agree that life is too short to waste your time not loving yourself and the people you spend your time with. I think everyone can use that reminder every once in a while!

  2. Wow, we have something really cool in common. FOOD. I love trying new things and exploring different types of food. Sadly, I am the only one in my family/ friend group that is adventurous when trying new restaurants. Starbucks is also my go to. Cappuccino and green tea is my favorite. Also, really cool you are an English major. I know people who are as well and love it at OU.

  3. Great introduction man! Sarcasm is like a second language to me, so I completely relate to your comments about being considered rude or insincere! I love your motto about living awesome. The next day is never guaranteed, so we should all try to take full advantage of the day we have TODAY.

  4. First off your son has the cutest smirk. It doesn’t at all seem cliché that your life started the day he was born. It’s great that you feel that way and are there for him in all aspects of life. I admire that you are raising and kid well going finishing school. It can’t be easy. I love Starbucks as well. Give me a grande Americano and I can conquer the world ☺

  5. Wow. I either hate what you said or loved it…
    “I am the type of person that if you take seriously, you will think is a person that is pompous…” –This is me exactly. I could not agree more.
    “I am a Starbucks junkie” –I can’t do coffee. I just can’t.
    “I am a total foodie.” –I also can never get enough food. I could eat all day every day.
    “I love trying new things I have never eaten before” –Sadly, most new things I hate trying. I like consistency in my life and especially in my food.
    Anyways, great intro. It’s much better than mine.

  6. Hi Joe! Wow, your kid is so stinking cute! I also love trying new foods. I love to try to recreate meals I eat at different restaurants, and lately I've been really into baking bread. It's so fun! I love your life motto! I always think it's really important to be positive, keep a good outlook on life and remember to be confident in yourself! Good for you for having the courage to do so unapologetically!

  7. Hi Joe. I have a 14 year-old girl, so I guess I'm old too LOL and your boy is adorable! You are definitely going to have some trouble with that one :D I too am fluent in sarcasm and have the same problems. Just remember "Everything is awesome!"

  8. Joe, sarcasm is a good quality to have and also confidence is an even better one to possess. I like the ending of your post that basically life is short and we should attempt to succeed everyday. Good luck with your english track at OU

  9. Ha! Awesome introduction! It seems we have a few things in common. Like you, I love food and love trying new dishes. Before becoming a journalism major, which I am now, I wanted to be an English major. I still think it would be really interesting but journalism was calling my name. I also enjoy oatmeal and think that it’s totally underrated. Also, what a cute kid you have.

  10. Hey Joe! Your introduction cracked me up. These things can sometimes feel like you’re summarizing yourself but I think you did an alright job of being yourself! I like your motto on life to live awesome. I agree that sometimes it’s important to simply boost yourself and have a good amount of sself love in your life. Really good motto!

  11. Hey Joe! Did you take Epics of India last semester? I remember your introduction and your incredible storytelling skills. I think I read one of your stories about Hanuman and thought it was AMAZING! I'm glad you are taking this class too! I will have to make sure I read your project for this semester. It is nice to meet you again.

  12. Hi Joe! Dabbling in law definitely sounds like it would be a great avenue to go down. I really enjoyed your outlook on these online introductions. Having to describe myself instantly makes me think of an online dating profile as well. I also share the coffee junkie life with you; my day doesn’t start until I have had some. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  13. Hey, Joe. I really like your life motto. I think a lot of people today, especially young women, struggle with low self-esteem and could use a big confidence boost or at least a life motto like yours. It’s really sweet that you care about your son so much and I hope you pass on your awesome message to him. I hope your semester is going well!

  14. Hi Joe,

    Like you, I dislike writing introductions and talking about myself because it does feel like you are making a dating profile. This is why I dislike the beginning of job interviews because they require the same type of process. I also enjoy trying new foods. I have never been out of the country, but I hope to travel one day and try all kinds of foods from different regions and cultures. Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  15. Hey Joe,

    I can definitely empathize with the dislike of introduction and personal bios. That's really amazing that you have your son. Does he go to school here in Norman? I'm curious because I'm a Big Brother at Jefferson Elementary so it would be kind of cool if your son went there too! I've got a lot in common with you with that sarcasm, I have put off many a new person with my sarcasm and dry sense of humor. In high school I got interviewed for a story by our school news station and my friends were cracking up laughing watching it, while the people I hadn't talked to much just sat there looking confused. Humor is in the eye of the beholder, so at least we think we're funny!

  16. Very great to learn more about you. You definitely have a unique outlook on life, which is very enlightening to see. I am also not a very big fan of intros, and think they normally are pretty pointless. Especially for an online class in which I will never actually meet the person in which I am learning about. I guess the overall idea is for us to get to know you so we can understand your writings better.

  17. Hey Joe!
    I just wanted to start of things with saying you do have a good-looking son. He is adorable! I think it’s great that you are so involved in your son’s life. I also think it’s great that you are going back to school despite your probably hectic – with being a father and all. Like you, I really enjoy food. Have you ever been abroad? The food in Europe is amazing!

  18. Joe,

    Haven't happened to make it to your blog until this week, being in the same group! You seem like one of those "cool dads" which is great for Ethan! Also, YOU ARE AWESOME. Don't ever not believe that! Not that I am worried... I like your philosophy on life and I like to live a lot the same way! I am awesome, and won't let anyone tell me differently. Every day I want to give my 100% effort! Also, I LOVE food too! In fact, eating some right now. No better way to do online homework, am I right? Best of luck to you after this class, friend!

  19. Hi Joe! I like you philosophy on life. I think as college students we forget that we need to lift ourselves up sometimes and say "I'm awesome." We all really are. Reading this today reminded me of this, so thank you. I think it is pretty cool that your life started when your son was born. I am not a parent yet, but I can imagine that having a child is one of those moments that makes life worthwhile.

    Anyway, I wish you the best of luck in the future.

  20. Hey, Joe! I'm the same way when it comes to introductions, but I think you did a great job with yours. Your son is precious! I am also a foodie. The hard part is actually getting my friends to try the food that I recommend. I've been trying to get my roommate to try Ethiopian for a good two years, and it's still a work in progress. Anyway, I hope you have a good rest of the semester!

  21. Hey Joe! Your boy is absolutely adorable! Also, I know exactly what you mean about being Starbucks junkie; I totally am too. It's so hard not to just run there and grab a drink every day! I love to try different drinks while I'm there. My sister is a barista at Starbucks, so I always try and get her to tell me different concoctions to try. I hope your semester has been running smoothly, and that you have a wonderful last 2 weeks! Best of luck to you on any finals you may have!
